Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Hi, 2016.

It’s almost New Year it’s been a very amazing journey, Alhamdulillah. There’s a lot of amazing people that I had met and all I could write here is the word A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. I’m glad that along of this journey I met a very inspiring people like Mr. Muhammad Hameda, Sheikh Ahmad Al Azhari, few keen knowledge seeker like Aiman, Dr Che Anas and others that soo passionate along this knowledge-seeking journey.

Yes, it’s a few days before exam and quite positive about it. May Allah ease everything.
Well, I hope next year is another adventures and more to explore more to learn and more people to meet. I’ve set myself a few goals just to keep improving myself. I guess here is a main issue that I’ve struggled and I need to fix it.

1.       To read more books! This year is good but not satisfying.
2.       To build mental strength. I felt like I keep stressing on stuff that I can, not be stress about it.
3.       Less talk about crap but more ideas/etc.
4.       Be ‘teachable’ and keep learning.

And here is my song of the year,

                Even If It Breaks Your Heart – Will Hodge.

Movie of the year,

                The Theory of Everything (2014)

"There should be no boundaries to human endeavor. We are all different. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there’s life, there is hope."

And book of the year,

1.       Catatan Matluthfi - Mat Luthfi
2.       Api Tauhid -  Habiburrahman Al Syirazi
3.       Reclaim Your Heart – Yasmin Mogahed

With that, I wish you a very awesome new year.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Alhamdu Lillah.

Syukurku dalam ma’rifahMu,
Bukan selayaknya madah ini untuk Mu,
Dan bukanlah kata-kata ini ukuran cintaku,
Namun hitunglah ini sebagai tanda pengharapanku,

Janganlah Kau padam rasa ini,
Pengharapan ini,
Pergantungan ini,
Rasa yang Kau campakan dalam hati ini,
Meskipun lalai itu datang dari diri ini.

Terimalah titisan air mata,
Hambamu yang hina,
Selalu leka,

Terima kasih atas aturanMu,
Dan kumohon agar terjagalah hati ini,
Agar sentiasa ada, sentisa.

Jumaat paling bermakna,
Kota Kemenangan.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hadi yang dua puluh.

Dalam semilir angin sejuk syita’ menghembus pagi,
Benak dihujani;

Apa Hadi yang dua puluh ini pelajari semenjak kaki bertapak dibumi kinanah ini?
Atau hanya pandai berretorik kata walhal nyatanya memang pasir bukan permata natijahnya?

Apa Hadi yang dua puluh ini benar-benar beramanah dengan susah-payah ibu ayah?
 Atau bertopengkan lelah walhal usahanya sampah?

Apa Hadi yang dua puluh ini masih berselimut selesa, mengalah dengan nafsu amarah, tak mahu bersusah payah kerna ilmu itu bukan mudah sifatnya?


Hadi yang dua puluh ini sedar siapa dia?

Di tengah mudarraj firqah ula.
Jamiah Al Azhar.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Mesir dan kamu.

Pada pada pandangan mata engkau,
Mesir itu hanyalah pasir dan sampah jalanan,
Yang berterbangan saat angin merempuh perlahan,
Pencuri pencuri dan gelandangan yang berpeleseran,
Puing-puing usuh bangunan,
Dan peradaban yang ditelan zaman.

Apa itu semua tidak mengajar kau erti kehidupan?
Makna tawakkal hamba pada tuhan?
Tujuan kegembiraan dan kesedihan?
Dan siapa hamba, siapa tuhan.

Singkaplah hijab-hijab yang membutakan!
Kerana kamu hanya lihat permukaan,
Bukan dasar hakikat gambaran,
Kerana disebalik pasir itu…
Kaukan dapati permata yang mengagumkan,
Sejuta pengajaran dan pengalaman,
Dan hikayat yang tak pernah diceritakan.

Kota Kemenangan.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

my own book project.

assalamualaikum and hi peeps.

one day I have a thought on myself.

what do i want to achieve right now?

what do i want to do?

and there's a particular thing that i want to have so bad a long time ago. Something that i've doing for a long time but never really done like never have like proper ways or really into that.

and it's having my own book.

and i decided that being 20, I want to produce one. Even not like a legit book *published by a proper publisher* and i was thinking that why not make one based on my past writing and just put other writings that i've never shown just for myself.

and keep that as a mark to a milestone for myself.

at least i had my goal achieved. And this may be the baby step into a real, legit book *aminn*

and i pray that everything will be good, will be great insyAllah.

till then, then.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Liar with an innocent face.

Assalamualaikum and hello November.

The cold breeze starts to blow through the air of Cairo marks that winter is here but still, not really shows its true face. This week I decided to get myself into a ‘battle’ which is applying for visa.
It’s a long story but let me try to simplify as good as I can cause I’m scared that it might annoy you. Ahahahahaha.

Usually there’re 3 races that will apply in Monday. Malaysian, Indonesia and Russian. Let me define this three races by their clothes, because what we wear should reflect as who we are *especially when you’re dressing sunnah-stye because that is what I’ll describe Russian ; long beard, jubbah and upper-ankle-pants style or whatever that we knows describe sunnah-style but the thing is they who wear this kind of stuff tend to cheats, promotes violent and injustice.

It’s hard for me to describe the main causes why I rant about this but it is the way it is. Well, I know some people might disagree and say that we can’t judge a person by its outer side why did you apply to embrace that good stuff outside but you don’t apply it inside? Wasn’t that is just a waste???

Be truthful to your personality. Because practicing the sunnah outer side whilst abandoning the inside is not only a waste, it brought misconception to the image. Or to be more precise, be responsible for your image.

Okay, I’m sorry if there’s an error that I made here, but let me be clear that I accept opinion.
Till then.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The perks of being a socially awkward person.

Assalamualaikum, bismillah :]

Alhamdulillah, somehow I manage to survive this whole three weeks even though there are few other works that should be done but now it is okay to say I’m quite already in a comfortable postion. Well, I manage to get lots of new friends, I guess. Well,  I am not really good at making friend and there’s a particular arab ‘man’ that eventually want to be friends with me like always sitting next to me, always want to be with me and as a socially awkward person, that is quite bothering me. Well, I guess I should try harder to make friends too, perhaps.

Along the way I am right now, I guess I am so fortunate to be here, and surrounding by quite amount of great people. Somehow having a random conversation with human beings excites me except when it’s come on certain parts that I’m already irritates. Ahaha.

And kuliah seems quite okay right now even some of the subjects I can’t even digest everything from the books and lecturer’s lecture. Arabic language is not that hard but sometimes when the lecturer belt out their ammi (local’s way of speaking which is not as formal as the language people use in books) I somehow stuck and don’t know what to do. *but usually Arabian who sit beside me will guide me and which is in this case that is why I like to sit at a place with no non-arab or someone who is quite good in their Arabic skills. *tips.

Of course right now I need to reschedule my time seems next there’ll be study group, and my Thursday night lecture and so on.

Wish me a very good luck. Bye.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Early morning rant.

Asalamualaikum and hi. Been a while where I am not even touching this keypad. Classes already started a week ago and there’re so much more things to do. At least I’m on the road and hope it’ll be great soon. So far the class is not too harsh nor I’m quite good in it but it’s a working progress, I think.

Well, this morning I woke up thinking of the weird dream of a particular person that I supposed this is weird. I thought my mind already get rid of that person but naah, it’s like my dream is telling me that I can’t run from it. leuls. Dreams. But todays scenery just exactly like thsose days in Malaysia where I usually ride a motorcycle to buy breakfast (usually nasi lemak) at the stall in front of my house. Homesick gais, homesick ><. Fortunately wan rodzi fried some nasi goreng and all I know is I’m happy eating it right now.

Somehow this few days is teaching a lots of sabr and friend-ship-i-guess. Because first there’s no ather thing that you can do except sabr when it comes to bureaucracy and doing a proper work in Egypt. Second, the more you know somebody, the more you learn about them and I guess somehow a person that we thought is our bestfriend/good friends is not always with us. We will somehow walk alone, even when it is too hard, which is it is. Hurm, speaking of this particular topic my mind goes to Cinderella’s mother’s advice to her right before her death. “be kind and have courage.”

I guess that’s all eh. Kbye J

Sunday, September 13, 2015


“Trust is like a writing a book. It takes time to finish but easy to burned it” - aiman banna kalau tak silap.

Asalamualaikum and hi.
Yet another babbling and ranting ahahaha. Read this at your own risk ;)

This is another personal story that I want to share, also as a reminder for myself or maybe for someone that can relate to this.
When I was in high school, I have a friend that I actually I hated him at first but we ended up be a good friend. Not a best friend and there’s one time something happened to me which is quite a private stuff that I don’t just tell everyone but I choose to tell him just because I need a person to confess this particular problem(and  it is an embarrassing stuff to tell to). Well, I deeply think that since we have a good relationship and he seems loyal so I told him (as a secret).

But few days later, somebody just met me and asked me about that ‘matter’ and I was shocked because the only person that I told to was only him which means, I got betrayed. That moment, was one of the worse experience in my life, and it taught me a lot.

From that day, I psychologically speaking; don’t trust anyone or having a hard time to trust people but I also learned ;-

1.       How it feels to be betrayed so it is a wrong act to do to others.
2.       To be more care full on people.
3.       Forgive yes, forget… I don’t know.

Well, maybe I was too young at that time to realize who to talk to and who’s not. But here’s a personal thought on this matter. A loyal friends is hard to find but worth having one.

With that, thanks for reading.

Peace out J

Sunday, September 6, 2015


You know when a particular job/work is actually already challenging and ‘hard’ then there’re few people that make everything of it even harder and they kept bragging the thing when they can just stay positive and optimist?

Particularly speaking, here in Egypt living as a student there’re few stuff that always make us almost crazy but I want o address one thing.

Getting visa.

But you still have choice whether to face the annoying bureaucracy by yourself or just pay an agent to make everything for you but still you have to do few stuff but with less stress, less effort.

There’s one time I manage to experienced myself but I must say that it’s not that really bad like people used to brag or whatever. I admit that the process is so stress full and sometimes you might feel like giving up but at last, it’s worth waiting and standing and whatever it takes. It just when people kept being pessimist and bragging it out to generation to others, so that everything just the way people thought it would be.

With that, I end my rant.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Asalamualaikum and hi.
First of all, I have wanted to write about this specific topic for a long long time but you know, procrastination.

credit: kellieburgers.tumblr

There is someone in my relatives that always pointing out my weakness/ something that I always insecure about whenever he get chances to do so and yeah, I get used to it but it always hurt. Even when you’re so done with all of it but I always tell myself to be calm every time he did that to me, by just ignore it/ keep it in my heart because I have a saying that I read said,
Don’t let idiot ruin your day.
Don’t. Now I’m kind of relief that I’m been able to get rid of him personally as I live in other country and I don’t get to face him, not a chance but I also know that he always did this to my siblings and somehow I manage to tell them all of these stuff too and I hope they’re strong. Even after all the stuff he did to me, I personally never fight back/backfire or whatever but I try to be nice, like nothing happened.

Well, I believe people like this is actually they need attention or maybe they’re too insecure about themselves and the easiest way to get rid the feeling is by being mean to others. That is why I don’t want to take their insults seriously even it hurts, sometimes. I wonder what is in their mind, hurm…

Sometimes, we are mean to. Conscious or unconscious we are human and never perfect. Never being able to make everybody happy. It’s like a wheel that sometimes we’re the one that are mean and sometimes we are the victim.

But here’s some tips from experience, I guess :-

1.       Avoid people you feel insecure around. You have to protect yourself from them.
2.       Surround yourself with supportive people that always gonna back you up.
3.       Know your weakness and accept it. Embrace it!
4.       Know that the more you felt threatened the more they like it. Don’t give a chance for them to indulge from it.
5.       Beat them with your own happiness. Be happy and smile because they hate it.
6.       Sometimes you need to share things to someone you really believe in. it’s scary but challenging one.

Above all, I hope this post might help somebody or as a reminder that it’s not cool by being mean. At the end, we all know that none of people expectation matters. You matters. It’s just on how you define yourself.

With that, thank you for reading.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Me and social media

Rant on social media.
Assalamualaikum and hi.

Well, to be honest I just read a few of my facebook friend’s status and have a few thought to say or to tell here specifically on social media. I knew the word social say it all but seeing someone posting their anger, out loud and commenting without knowing the border of you know… even there’s actually no borders but we as human do have instinct on that.

The problem is not about babbling and telling our problem out loud on social media but how we handle that. It might be okay for someone to do that at the first place but that doesn’t solve the problem. At all.

The thing is often we see people arguing, ‘practically’ yelling and so on through their tweets and stuff without, actually solving that problem. (Actually I’m trying to not to address the real stuff directly. If this is quite confusing, I’m sorry).

Secondly, I personally think that the way we handle our social media accounts reflect ourselves. It might seem like I’m judging but sadly saying that is how it works for me. That is practically why I have insecurities on posting something on facebook.

So the last to conclude all of the above, here’s my point :-
1.       Your acts on social media show your personality, be care full.
2.       Solve your problems; don’t just write it on your wall/tweets.
3.       You are free to disagree, but if you don’t mind tell me your thought.

So that’s all. Thank you for reading.

credit to: @80sNostalgia 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

10 things I've learn living in Egypt.

Asalamualaikum and hi.
It’s been a year I have been living in Egypt. Wish I’ll have another incredible awesome year, amin. Well, there’re two big things happened today. First is I just finish my six days fasting (post Ramadhan) which is macam poyo ye dak? Lols while at the same time today is the opening of the new Suez Canal which is a big celebration in here, Egypt.

Regarding to this quite memorable experience ( been a year in Egypt) I think I would like to write 10 things I’ve learn living in Egypt. Here we go :-

1.       Patient is a must. Because there’re no rule here even there’re rules. Bureaucracy in here is quite challenging. hiks
2.       Always thank full of everything that you have because lots lots of people don’t even get to eat.
3.       The more you walk around the more you get something new.
4.       When it comes to conversations, just talk and talk. Don’t afraid to make mistakes as long as you learn from it.
5.       Not everybody will treat you good. Some will cheat you, some will make fun of you. Just don’t buy what they sell.
6.       Connecting to the point above, you got to choose two sides, be like Musa a.s (Moses) or Firaun (Pharaoh).
7.       Holding hand, kissing cheek and clapping hands are ways of Arabs being nice. Be prepared because you might find it weird for the first time but once you get to know the environment you’ll get it naturally.
8.       Celebrate eid at somewhere else/ new places with new people. Like I had done last eid fitri.
9.       Arabian food is not bad at all. Just try and error. You might like some.
10.   Transportation? Bus is the cheapest but always be ready to jump and run. If you choose taxi, don’t expect that you just come in and tell the driver your destination. You have to ask them first. Make sure you ask the price first.

So, I guess here is it. Wish me luck for this year, and may your day is great too. Peace J

Sunday, July 26, 2015

A letter to myself.

Asalamualaikum and hi.

Today my senior’s result was out and I feel like mad inspired and hell ya scared. well, first thing first if any of you reading this I just would like to congratulate you guys. Success or not it’s not the main thing. The thing is you guys had done all of your best. Kan?

Well the issue here is I’m going to face a new part of my life. Uni life. And that is soo *don’tknowhowtodescribe because I always paranoid on the big thing that is about to happen. By observing those guy I have to admit that it’s gonna be tough and I don’t know how I’m gonna make it but I will just do it. Am I ready? Am I gonna pass? Am I, am I ?  hurmm.

I guess I need to do some research more and start a hard work right now.

So, this year kind-of-resolution would be study the best as I can to pass. Not just pas but with good grade of course!


Ain’t no mountain enough. Lols J

With that, thanks for reading and wish me (pray for me) the best best of luck.

taken from tumblr.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

My oversea raya experience.

Assalamualaikum and yeah.
It’s already Syawal in Islamic month which mean ends of fasting and this is my very first time Eid without my family, oversea. I have to say everything is pretty exciting. I decided to pray sunah eid far from the malays community which is in Al azhar mosque because one of the thing that you should avoid in the eid prayer is takbir ‘Melayu’ style because it’s quite nostalgia-ing. Lols

But paying at Al Azhar mosque is awesome because the atmosphere and vibe is different and better than one I’ve been experience in Malaysia. It’s like you’re really celebrating the day. Hurm, the day went okay. Since fajr prayer start around 3 so we (3 of my friends and a teacher of mine) took a taxi and prayed there.

After the eid prayer we decided to snap some pictures with everyone. I mean every race that we possibly met. Sounds silly but it’s quite fun. We got Indonesian, Thailand’s, Libyans, Syrians, Nigerians, Chinese and of course Egyptian.

So, here some tips on eid without your family in oversea.

1.       Pray somewhere else. Not at the mosque that you usually goes.
2.       Be tough, don’t think too much what you don’t get at the place you are instead embrace what you got there.
3.       Of course, call you parent/ family before the actual day. Let go everything. hahaha
4.       Above all, it’s all up to you whether you want to have an awesome day or what.

here some pic. Don't say i don't umbrella. ahaks

Salam Syawal peeps.

Dato' duta attending our open house

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Escape to Allah

Assalamualaikum. Now were in the few last days of Ramadhan and I Felt like sharing something to you.

so here it is.

He said to them, so escape ( Run away) to Allah. I am from him to you … a warner, I warn you about Him, so run away to Him in order to protect yourself from Him.

And Rasulullah (S.A.W) used to make this famous dua’ :
                “Oh Allah I seek refuge in You from You”

Rasulullah (S.A.W) after one of the battle that happened here were some captive and the muslims have to look after them and there were this mother who was running from child to child, from baby too baby trying to find her own child. She was so hysterical about finding her child until finally she found her child and she hugged her child so intensely.

The messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H) was watching this with awe, with compassion, with emotion and he said to his companions:
                “Do you think that this mother would ever grab her child and throw it in the fire? And burn it?

They said, never. It would’ve never crossed our mind and he said (S.A.W),
                “Allah is more merciful to his servants than this mother to her own child.”

There is nothing greater than the mercy of Allah (SWT) and nothing can be compared to it and Allah will refuse to put anyone in the fire, just like that unless they truly, truly, truly deserve it.

Rasulullah (S.A.W) tells us, this hadis is in sahih Muslim; he says that Allah (SWT) he created Rahma (mercy) between us and he took it from himself and he gave us one portion of it and left 99 of this portion to be used in the hereafter. And he left a small portion of it for us to use in the world and because of this Rahma which he placed on earth.

This is why you find even the animal mother will be so compassionate while its baby comes to drink from its milk. It is so careful that it doesn’t step on it’s child.

Who taught this animal to be compassionate to its baby?

To give it from it’s body it’s milk and is so careful not to thread on it.

Who gave it this mercy?

Allah (S.W.T).

Because of this mercy even the enemy of Allah (S.W.T) drinks from the water of this earth, is given his or her comfort. This is the mercy of Allah (S.W.T).

This nurturing thing that when you remember your parents that Allah has greater mercy than your own parents.
This nurturing nature of the mother and the father they would rather the dust particle enter into their eyes than into yours.

That is they were to wake up in the middle of the night and find that you are ill or sick. They would wish that the sickness was in them instead of you.

This Rahma which makes the mother carry you in her womb for nine months and then after that breastfeed you and Allah knows, there is so much pain in doing so. Only a mother understands. After that nurturing you and going through all the agony and possibly getting diabetes and discs in her back while the father runs around trying to provide you their whole youth is spent on you and the whole world stops when you are born.

For this reason we are called an Ummah taken from the name ‘Umm’ because we might as well be one mother.
All of this is due to the Rahma of Allah (S.W.T)

When you see your mother and father being like that towards you, Allah tells us a lot about our parents. You know why?

He is telling us indirectly about himself.

He’s saying see how I’ve given you your parents. See how I have created this natural Rahma inside of them, how they see you as the most important thing for them in the whole world in the entire universe. They would rather them die than you die.

See this which I create in your parents, well this is only a tiny speck of the portion of my mercy. It is my attribute of mercy and I’ve given a little bit of it to your parents just to give you a small example of who I am.

So when your mother or father they keep away something from you only in order to teach you to become stronger in life. They are nurturing you.

When you prevent your child who is two years old from opening the fridge, are you preventing them from eating or drinking?


But you’re preventing them from eating things that are bad for them. From grabbing the jar and it breaks on their foot and the glass will go into their feet or they might grab the vinegar and drink it thinking it’s water.
 Or they might open the cupboard under the sink and drink the detergent thinking it’s water or food and poison themselves.

You are nurturing them, you are preventing them from certain things because you have Rahma towards your children. So don’t ever think that when Allah prevents us from something it doesn’t mean that Allah (S.W.T) is punishing us.

He is nurturing us.

Because we don’t know any better.

From a video in the Youtube : The Merciful Servant: Escape to Allah by Sheikh Bilal Assad. Find them and subscribe or help them expanding dawah.

P/s : It is still a time to chase after Ramadhan !

credit goes to . Check them out!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

1st Ramadhan

Alhamdulillah, everything is fine. Nope, not just fine but incredibly great. Somehow I get tired a little bit because after a little ceremony that I have to settle at the night and tarawih after that I got something going up and then with a little nap I woke up to prepare sah00r.

We ate nasi goreng and fried chicken. Aha!

Then got tadarus and stuff and bla blab la. But that is not the point. The thing is the lost ship that one of my friends in it founded today, and I hope he’s okay. He’ll be okay J

I iftar at maidah ( a place where rich people sponsor food for the needy and stuff) and the food is quite okay. Arabs food while my taste bud is craving for murtabak and cincau. Ahahaha. But Alhamdulillah on everything. the whole meal consist of a quarter chicken, some rice and pickles and halawiyat (some kind of desert).

pic from senior, akh Ihkwan 

At the end of the meal there’re bunch of people collecting aish (Arabic bread) and the leftovers. My senior said that they’re the poor. Then I realized how blessed I am while other people have to collect leftovers to feed themselves!

It’s a very meaningful day. I hope you too.

Friday, June 12, 2015

The follow up.

Now its been almost a week I’m in my last mustawa (phase) in learning Arabic. Somehow this mustawa’s atmosphere is quite different. Even my teacher changes his style of teaching. No more formal ‘makan suap’ or idontknowhowtoexplaininenglish hahaha. Now we have to understand texts in Arabic by our own self except for certain hard words that we’re incapable of understanding it without proper explanation. I wake up in the morning everyday while my heart begging me to not to go to class but I never did yet. Since class for 6 hours, and most of our mentality told us it’s hard but somehow I don’t want this phase to end.

But everything has to end. Good and bad. Urgh.

Another thing, is that I’m so impressed somehow I’m really inspired by Indonesian students. I guess it’s true to say that most of them are better in Arabic than Malaysian. I met a student who talk in Arabic like bubbles. Like he’s talking that language since born.

And another truth to be accept is that I’m so freaking scared to be a uni students. Somehow the image portrayed in my brain is too huge. It’s a serious stuff you know. I just don’t want to mess up or waste my parents hope and money. Wasting my time just to fail and fail. I do feel optimistic sometimes but just like I said, it gives me chills. Some said that if your dreams or the stuff you’re up too is not making you scared, it’s not big enough. But how if it’s too big? How if how if and how if.

I guess I need to start thinking on this. Figure something up. And yeah, Ramadhan is around the corner.

I guess that’s it. Enough babbling and yeah.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Next and next.

I believe everybody have an issue in their life. And it’s normal. The thing right now is just me facing something changing in my life. Changes always hard to me. Somehow this phase what I am facing right now made me wanna write down and just on and on. It’s weird right now. Absurd. And I hate it.

I know this day will come and based on the past I guess I just do nothing but this time stuck and hit me so hard that I can digest it. It’s been like floating and just huh. Duhh. I do felt so empty when realizing that my foundation of Arabic language is gonna end because I’ve put all I can to it. I’ve done the best that I could on it and now I’m at the end of the road of this path and next is another challenging world that I’ve been so excited but scared to deal with.

I think I’m just frightened up to things that I don’t know what will come. And don’t know what to do, what should I do.

And the other thing is, to left a lesson with Ustaz Humaidah. He’s one of the best thing that happen to me. One of the best person that I’ve met so far. He taught lots of life lessons that I guess makes me or everyone around him feels comfortable to be around him.

I guess this is life.

To face a big thing and just keep going.

Move on.

Just this time I’m little bit attached to this ‘part of life’.

And I hope it’s all fine right now and next.

*sorry for the bad English. Sorry nor sorry. Hah J

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Small gestures.

Assalamualaikum and hi peeps.

This time I just want to share a quote about doing random good stuff. May it’s inspire us J

“I firmly believe in small gestures: pay for their coffee, hold the floor for strangers, over tip, smile or try to be kind even you don’t feel like it, pay compliments, chase the kid’s runway ball down the sidewalk and throw it back to them. Try to be larger than you are—particularly when it’s difficult.

People do notice, people appreciate. I appreciate it when it’s done to (for) me. Small gestures can be an effort, or actually go against our grain (“I’m not a big one for paying compliments…”), but the irony is that almost every time you make them, you feel better about yourself. For a moment life suddenly feels lighter, a bit more Gene Kelly dancing in the rain.”  - Jonathan Carol.