Saturday, November 23, 2013

Book Review : for one more day by Mitch Albom

Hello readers.
How are you? good? great? I wish you have a great day.
If you're sad right now... smile.
Because it is the best thing that you can do with your lips! :)


Today i' gonna do a book review. On a book that to me, it's really special and I totally like it.

for one more day by Mitch Albom

Well, i'm a bookworm *kinda* and I love reading books. And after reading this book, Mitch Albom is my another favorite author (I like Nicholas Sparks too). this book makes me smile,wistful and blink back tears of nostalgia.

The story is about a broken man, named Charley Benetto who struggled with personal problems like alcohol addiction, divorce and others. He is really closed to his mom and one day, she died. With a huge regrets, because of something that he did wrong.... he become to ruin his life, his job and others.

But he got a chances, to met her mother. Again. *the rest you have to read this book! ^^*

Besides, this book is suitable for all ages and easy to understand (which is suitable for a not-so-good-in-English boy like me). I'm highly recommended this book.

To Malaysian, this book cost only MYR 32.95 at Kinokuniya, KLCC. I'm ot sure in other store but if you have member card... it will be cheaper. For those from other country, go find it in your nearest bookstore and let me know what your thought on this book.

 That's all from me,
Thank you and good luck :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013



I guess this is really huge message that everybody would agree, I guess.
Sometimes we're too shy ang too much caring on other people thought but the real thing is they don't even care at all. Maybe.

So, the point is here, be yourself  and be happy.

Goodluck :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What to do when you're sad.

Assalamualikum readers.
Song long no update in this blog. I have been too busy and sooo lazy. aha!
so today I would like to share something that being part and parcel in our life. Since I'm taking MUET in just a few days.. I would like to write in English. *sorri la hok tak berapa tau bahasa omputeh ni, cah buka kamus.. paham la.. hihi, kidding*

ok, lets go to the point,.

What to do when you're sad.

1. Pray a lot. He knows everything in your heart. Keep praying and praying.

2. Write a letter to people you loved like mom, dad, sista, brotha and many more *ayat darjah enam*. Don't seal them, don't send them but put them between books or anything.

3.  Eat something you like. If you asked me, I would say ice-cream, cakes, chocolates and other-not-really-healthy food. ihiks.

4. Go outside and venture it. Watch a beautiful panorama of woods, sky and nature. Watch a hummingbird innocently fly above your head. Realize how insignificant you are.

5. Smile to strangers and say hello. It wasn't make your day only but them too.

6. Read dictionary. I know this sound a little bit funny, *whaattt? read dictionary? WTFish?* but just do it and learn new words. Write down any words you want to remember.

7. Write your bucketlist or The 10 Things You Want To Do Before Die or anything.

8. Read books or watch movies from your childhood. A little dose of nostalgia is okay,. Remember how innocent you are that time.

9. Go hiking or somewhere you can breath a fresh air. Feel free and awesome.

10. Lastly, don't marinate yourself with sadness. You're not a steak. haha but do realize that you can do something better that you are now.

Good Luck!